Total tax arrears in Latvia named

In Latvia, the total debt of companies and residents of the camp on taxes in March increased by 5% and amounted to 888.009 million euros. This is written by the portal Diena. Lv with reference to the data of the State Revenue Service (SDS) of the country. According to the SGD, of this amount 469,258 million euros debt to the main budget, 272,011 million euros debt to the budgets of local governments, 146,707 million euros debt to the social budget. It is noted that debts in the amount of 374.52 million euros were considered hopeless for recovery. A year earlier, the amount of debt of companies and residents on taxes amounted to 845.908 million euros, that is, increased during this period by 42.1 million euros. According to the news agency, an emergency regime was introduced in Latvia from 13 March to 12 May due to the pandemic.


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